Poetry Friday: Prepare



The snow
climbs trees
leans on doors
peeks in windows

The snow
sifts through rafters
drifts in dunes
carves valleys

The snow
huddles in teams

Prepare to shovel again.

-Anna E. Jordan
February 3, 2015

IMG_3190 IMG_3192

These were taken after Blizzard Juno. We now have an extra 15 or 20 inches in southern Maine.

19 thoughts on “Poetry Friday: Prepare

  1. Anna, Long Island, New York got punched by Juno but positivity remains strong. Your poem and peek hole photo are delightful. They represent a true Winter Whispering. I invite you to let me post your poem and photo combination for the global gallery, Winter Whisperings, that I am creating. Please go to http://beyondliteracylink.blogspot.com/2015/01/ringing-in-new-year-with-look-back-and.html to read more about the invitation. I would love to include your work. I have connected with you on Twitter so we can correspond.

  2. Getting my coffee this morning, the barista told me another storm approaches. “48 hours of snow”, she said, for early next week. “Well, that’s days away”, I said. “Who knows…” Yes, this is winter alrighty! Lovely poem.

    1. It is days away but it’s good to be prepared. I’ve been spending a lot of time at the gym on core strength so I don’t injure myself. It’s Town Plow Mountain at the end of the driveway that always gets me. 🙂

  3. I like how active the snow is in your poem! “Peeks,” leans,” “climbs,” “blitzes.” My kids are feeling a bit cheated about our lack of snow. Too bad we can’t distribute it more evenly! 😉

I'd love to hear your thoughts!