Summer Blog-lag and A photographic apology

It has been a busy summer of trips both expected and unexpected. My constant travels have taken me away from social media which is a mixed blessing. On one hand, it feels great to be unplugged and to have relief from the constant stream of information. I’ve made some progress on my WIP, caught up on some reading, and had some wonderful family time.

On the other hand, I feel guilty not to be contributing to said constant stream. “My blog readers will go elsewhere for pithy observations, book reviews, and industry buzz.” C’est la vie. 

If you need time-wasting excuses, I’ll be posting pictures from my recent adventures over the next few days. Enjoy! Then go read, write, draw, and enjoy the summer outside unplugged.

Trip One: To NYC

I went to NYC to be with my brother who has been quite ill. Happily, he is making steady if slow progress towards healing. I did take one morning to visit THE A,B,C’S OF IT: WHY CHILDREN’S BOOKS MATTER, a free exhibit at the NY Public Library. If you get a chance, please visit. Fabulous artifacts (primers from the 1600’s) and great history of children’s books and how they’ve changed to meet the educational philosophy of the times.



Who doesn’t love the iconic NYPublic Library Lions?






So happy to see my friend Michelle Knudsen’s  fabulous book, Library Lion, in the display case!





New Yorkers! You are so lucky to have this amazing temple to the book!


Winnie-the-Pooh and friends took a journey from their usual spot in the children’s room to be in the A, B, C’s exhibit!



The wonderful Wanda Gag. (Rhymes with fog.) I’d never seen her picture and was struck with the thought that perhaps Kirsten Cappy of Curious City Books is Wanda Gag reincarnated.



Original sketches for Alice in Wonderland!



Striking fold-out book about the tsunami in Southeast Asia.




Original artwork of Mainer, Ashley Bryan. See video below for more….


This is a carefully constructed column created from banned books.



A closer look at a tiny section of the stack.


The plaque underneath the column.



Good-bye lions… good-bye library!

Tomorrow, midcoast Maine and Monhegan Island.


Ashley Bryan video: